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###-----###### FINIX ###############################(##)#################
Nice website: http://www.finix.eu.org/ Has various bits of linux documentation in French, such as how to install the recently released 2.6.0 kernel on Debian Woody http://www.finix.eu.org/spip/article.php3?id_article=66 Also features nice guides such as the Crepe HOWTO: http://www.finix.eu.org/Gt/Doc/Crepe-HOWTO/crepe-howto-toc.html
###-----###### MUSIC ###############################(##)#################
Netativland on how CDs became dominant: [about 1989] What actually happened was this - a flexible return policy had always existed between record stores and the seven major distributors, i.e. stores could "buy" something from a distributor, and if it didn't sell, they could return it. This allowed stores to take more chances on new releases or on things they were not so familiar with, because if it didn't sell, they could always send it back. Well, in the spring of 1989 all seven major label distributors announced that they would no longer accept "returns" on vinyl and they also began deleting much of the vinyl versions of their back catalog. These actions literally forced record stores to stop carrying vinyl. They could not afford the financial risk of carrying those releases that were on vinyl because if they didn't sell they would be stuck with them. Very quickly almost all record stores had to convert to CD's.
###-----###### DANGER ##############################(NK)#################
Excerpts from Expert Judgement on Markers to Deter Inadvertent Human Intrusion into the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant http://downlode.org/etext/wipp/
###-----###### CINEMA ##############################(##)#################
New bill in US proposes 5 year jail for using (or attempting to use) a camcorder in a cinema: http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/6/33988.html Do it twice and get 10.
###-----###### CHINA ###############################(IB)#################
Big numbers Sun Microsystems has made a deal with China for a million desktop Linux deployments under the new $50/seat licensing plan for Sun's desktop software, which includes its Star Office 7.0 software. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/11/18/0219249&mode=nested&tid=102&tid=126&tid=163&tid=187 http://www.bayarea.com/mld/mercurynews/7285339.htm
###-----###### MOUSELAND ###########################(BB)#################
Two party system: http://www.ndp.ca/mouseland/index.php3?load=mouseland&language=english
###-----###### MONEY ###############################(BB)#################
http://www.monochrom.at/tuerme-von-hanoi/ The Towers of Hanoi, an Austrian true-life fotonovela about a guy who goes into a bank and changes 50 Euros for dollars, then the dollars for Euros, then back again, und so weiter, until only chump-change remains.
###-----###### WAYBACK #############################(##)#################
Very very useful resource, especially if people fsck up a webpage that used to contain useful information: http://web.archive.org/
###-----###### WAR #################################(##)##################
George Monbiot on Iraq: http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=15&ItemID=4488 ``...those of us who called for peace before the wars with Iraq and Afghanistan were mocked as effeminate dreamers... To the columnist David Aaronovitch, we were "indulging ... in a cosmic whinge".(1) To the Daily Telegraph, we had become "Osama bin Laden's useful idiots".(2)'' ``But a further, and even graver, set of lies is only now beginning to come to light. Even if all the claims Bush and Blair made about their enemies and their motives had been true, and all their objectives had been legal and just, there may still have been no need to go to war. For, as we discovered last week, Saddam Hussein proposed to give Bush and Blair almost everything they wanted before a shot had been fired.(4) Our governments appear both to have withheld this information from the public and to have lied to us about the possibilities for diplomacy.'' The article includes a list of the offered concessions, some of which are quite stunning. ``According to Mr Cannistraro [the CIA's former head of counter-terrorism], these proposals reached the White House, but were "turned down by the president and vice president."(7)'' ... Richard Perle... passed their offers to the Central Intelligence Agency. Last week he told the New York Times that the CIA had replied, "Tell them that we will see them in Baghdad."(9)
###-----###### PHYSICS #############################(IB)##################
Peter Lynds, new Einstein? http://education.guardian.co.uk/higher/research/story/0,9865,1017994,00.html He claims to have new ideas about the nature of time. Many disagree: http://www.thequantummachine.com/phorum/read.php?f=2&i=41&t=41 http://www.thequantummachine.com/analysis.php The man himself, with links to his papers: http://www.peterlynds.net.nz/
###-----###### ANIMAL ##############################(IB)##################
http://www.fao.org/news/2000/001201-e.htm Every week, the world loses two breeds of its valuable domestic animal diversity, according to estimates just published in the 3rd edition of the World Watch List for Domestic Animal Diversity. The publication, issued by FAO and the United Nations Environment Programme, results from ten years of data collection in 170 countries, covering 6 500 breeds of domesticated mammals and birds: cattle, goats, sheep, buffalo, yaks, pigs, horses, rabbits, chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, pigeons and even ostriches. Also raises questions about the wisdom of projects like bothar: The greatest threat to domestic animal diversity is the export of animals from developed to developing countries, which often leads to crossbreeding or even replacement of local breeds. In developing countries, breeds from the industrialized world are considered more productive. The problem, however, is that these animals are only suited to conditions of the countries they come from; they can hardly survive under the often harsh environment of developing countries.
###-----###### SOROS ###############################(##)##################
George Soros has been making some noise lately: The billionaire financier and philanthropist George Soros says his main goal right now is to get US President George W. Bush out of office in 2004 Mr Soros says the supremacist ideology which he claims guides the White House is reminiscent of his childhood in occupied Hungary. He told the Post "when I hear Bush say you are either with us or against us, it reminds me of the Germans, conjuring," he went on, "a nazi slogan on the walls – the enemy is listening." http://www.abc.net.au/am/content/2003/s987257.htm Jewish billionaire and philanthropist George Soros has said that the policies of the Bush administration and Sharon government are partly responsible for the outbreak of anti-Semitism in Europe. Soros added that he too bore some responsibility for what he called "the new anti-Semitism." http://www.globes.co.il/serveen/globes/docview.asp?did=739696&fid=942
###-----###### VIDAL ###############################(##)##################
Gore Vidal on W http://www.commondreams.org/views03/1113-07.htm He [Benjamin Franklin] said, I am in favor of this Constitution, as flawed as it is, because we need good government and we need it fast. And this, properly enacted, will give us, for a space of years, such government. But then, Franklin said, it will fail, as all such constitutions have in the past, because of the essential corruption of the people. He pointed his finger at all the American people. And when the people become so corrupt, he said, we will find it is not a republic that they want but rather despotism — the only form of government suitable for such a people. ... So the corruption predicted by Franklin bears its terrible fruit. No one wants to do anything about it. It’s not even a campaign issue. Once you have a business community that is so corrupt in a society whose business is business, then what you have is, indeed, despotism. It is the sort of authoritarian rule that the Bush people have given us. The USA PATRIOT Act is as despotic as anything Hitler came up with — even using much of the same language. In one of my earlier books, Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace, I show how the language used by the Clinton people to frighten Americans into going after terrorists like Timothy McVeigh — how their rights were going to be suspended only for a brief time — was precisely the language used by Hitler after the Reichstag fire.
###-----###### FIN #################################(##)##################
Archived: http://www.acronymchile.com/yawn_archive/2003-12-28yawn.html

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