__ _____ _ ___ __ \ \/ / | | / / | / / \ / /| | | /| / / |/ / / / ___ | |/ |/ / /| / /_/_/ |_|__/|__/_/ |_/http://www.acronymchile.com/yawn.html 2002-09-20############## WAR ###########################################But what war? Peculiar piece of writing and VERY GOOD INDEED!: http://www.moscowtimes.ru/stories/2002/10/11/120.html "May No-Eyes have mercy on us all."############## VENEZUELA #####################################Mark Weisbrot gives a brief summary of Venezuela's current political situation and position in the world: http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=45&ItemID=2503############## TECH BUSINESS #################################Very good commentary on where the tech industry is going wrong, and why HP is doomed: http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/7/27282.html############## MEDIATING THE MEDIA ###########################Excellent article from Media Lens on press coverage given to leaders versus the treatment given to grass roots activists and actions: http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=21&ItemID=2450 http://www.medialens.org############## ART IS THE GAME ###############################Link from boingboing.net: Villette Numerique is a new biennial digital art festival in France; I covered the event for WIRED News here. The festival itself is now over, but they've just posted a cool new online Flash art-game called "Society." Festival producer and digital artist Bruno Samper writes: "It's organic, it's [like a little] online universe, and it's the first videogame-like creation in the collection of the French Ministry of Culture." http://www.villette-numerique.com/game/ I had a go at this, and quite liked the first epsisode, but couldn't see how to proceed in the second one (it's rather dark). Maybe you like.############## CLASSIC #######################################And another from boingboing.net: http://www.exclassics.org/ ...titles you've never heard of, but that William Blake, Henry Thoreau, H.G. Wells and George Orwell had, are available as etexts.############## COD PIECE #####################################Spooky similarity: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/021009/168/2enp3.html VS. http://www.theyesmen.org/finland/ In particular the pic: http://www.theyesmen.org/finland/givinglecture.jpg############## IRON MAIDEN ###################################Bruce Dickinson, former lead singer of Iron Maiden, has found a new career as a commercial airline pilot. http://boingboing.net/2002_10_01_archive.html#85570915 http://www.guardian.co.uk/g2/story/0,3604,812005,00.html############## TAPE ##########################################Plumber heal thyself: Duct tape and warts... http://www.globeandmail.com/servlet/ArticleNews/front/RTGAM/20021014/wduct1014/Front/homeBN/breakingnews http://reuters.com/news_article.jhtml?type=sciencenews&StoryID=1574343 "The duct tape method worked for 85 percent of the patients, while cryotherapy was effective for 60 percent."############## IRAQ ##########################################Chomsky interview concerning Iraq. Some (very) dry humour in the answers: http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=15&ItemID=2422############## MIND CONTROL ##################################Mind control: http://alexconstantine.50megs.com/william_s_burroughs.html############## DO YOU MEAN IT? ###############################Saddam in the polls. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A25800-2002Oct14.html His campaign song, Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You," has been getting lots of airtime.############## ARE YOU REAL? #################################Story on slashdot: http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/10/15/0044255&mode=nested&tid=109 Here's a followup to our earlier story about Microsoft's "inverse switch" campaign. The AP tracked down the switcher and spoke with her: she's an employee at a Microsoft public relations firm but says she actually did switch from Mac to Windows. Microsoft's page is still 404 (but Google's cache still works). The interesting part to me is that the AP "tracked Mallinson by examining personal data hidden within documents that Microsoft had published with its controversial ad." Hmmmmmm. (Kudos to obidonn, the first to demonstrate the use of a stock photo, which piqued interest in this story. As of noon EDT Oct. 15, other stock photos are still being used in anonymous Microsoft "testimonials.") http://apple.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/10/14/1232229&tid=109 http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&cid=528&ncid=528&e=15&u=/ap/20021014/ap_on_hi_te/microsoft_ad Unfortunately, now even the google cache has gone away... and microsoft definitely has not re-published the page. Still, interesting to see what stock photograpahy is like. http://makeashorterlink.com/?F1F322B12 http://makeashorterlink.com/?H1C743C12############## IF WE HAD A TRIAL AND NOBODY CAME #############Sklyarov Denied Visa to Return to U.S. for Trial "Visa applications for Alexander Katalov and Dmitry Sklyarov of ElcomSoft were recently denied by the American Embassy in Moscow, jeopardizing their return to the U.S. in time for the company to face criminal charges for allegedly violating the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) last year." http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/10/15/218210&mode=nested&tid=99############## MORE WAR ######################################Get your war on: http://www.mnftiu.cc/mnftiu.cc/war15.html This one is particularly... :-/ http://www.mnftiu.cc/mnftiu.cc/images/war.079.gif############## BUGBEAR #######################################The Bugbear virus is raging through UCD causing delays and jamming all the printer queues. The Register has a report on it too: http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/55/27625.html "Like Klez, Bugbear is another pox on the wired lower class, racing past the former in prevalence and into the mail of the Rufus-the-Stuntbums of the net. Since it affects only those whose computing due diligence is on the level of someone who chugs two six-packs before riding down a stairway in a shopping cart" "When propelled by an avalanche of media-fueled fear, the inert indigent of the net slowly update their lapsed anti-virus software. Absent this stimulus, the Klezzes and Bugbears of the living-out-of-an-electronic-cardboard-box peer group persist."############## DEMOCRACY #####################################What truly makes a society democratic? http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=43&ItemID=2473 A quote, with a quote within it: The hope that will make possible those changes is what Lummis called “public hope,” which he contrasted with “private hope.” Many Americans have private hope; they believe that they will continue to enjoy a comfortable standard of living in a reasonably predictable world. But they also have no expectation that the political system can or will change to become more open or fair. By contrast, Lummis described the state of public hope and the atmosphere of freedom that was in the air everywhere in the Philippines in 1985, before the fall of the U.S.-backed Marcos dictatorship. There, a state of public despair was reversed: “People begin to believe that public action can succeed. It doesn’t matter why they believe it -- it could be for the wrong reason. When hope is shared by many, it becomes its own reason. Public hope is itself grounds for hope. When many people, filled with hope, take part in public action, hope is transformed from near-groundless faith (which it was in the state of public despair) to plain common sense.”[28]############## FITTING IN ####################################Rules for desis. Or how to be an immigrant. http://gujari.allaboutgeorge.com/archives/000187.html############## NUC-U-LEAR ####################################Naturally occurring nuclear reactors: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap021016.html############## ZOID ##########################################But I thought Zoids were... never mind. NewZoid is a web site whose computer-generated core content consists of false news headlines, created on demand by fragmentation and re-assembly of real news headlines. http://www.newzoid.com/nzgreat.html Celebrity deathmatch... in the red corner, Google News, in the blue corner, NewZoid.############## JAPANESE SPACE PROGRAM ########################I didn't realise this was happening http://www.spacedaily.com/news/021015104234.thjk8eah.html Japan is to conduct an experimental flight of a prototype space shuttle, the National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA) announced Tuesday.############## LIBRARIES #####################################Libraries Are 31337 http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/10/20/1228255&mode=nested&tid=99 Also, naked librarians http://www.jessamyn.com/naked.htm "if you want to get laid, go to college if you want to learn something, go to the library" -- F. Zappa############## PLANET BIZARRO ################################Colm Kelleher: http://www.nidsci.org/bios/kelleher.html NIDS: NIDS is evolving into an expanding organization as it increases its engagement with Aerospace related projects. In addition to focusing on high credibility aerial phenomena cases and on the animal mutilation phenomenon http://www.nidsci.org/index.html FBI Freedom of Information Act on Cattle Mutilations: http://foia.fbi.gov/ufoanim.htm Also some very strange titles: Argentina Govt 'Vampire Mouse' Cattle Mutilation Excuse Rejected - http://www.rense.com/general26/vamp.htm Strange Dwarf Reported In Argentina Cattle Mutilation Area "While the man did not see the "dwarf", he gives his spouse the benefit of the doubt, stating that he has known her for 40 years and can vouch for her physical and mental health."... that's love! - http://www.rense.com/general25/cooat.htm Even the vatican is in on the game: http://www.rense.com/general12/filers8101.htm Monsignor Corrado Balducci, an insider close to the Pope has gone on national Italian television five times in recent months to proclaim: Extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomenon. The prelate announced that the Vatican is receiving much information about extraterrestrials and their contacts with humans from its Nuncios (embassies) in various countries, such as Mexico, Chile and Venezuela. Also here: http://www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/balducci-boylan.html http://www.drboylan.com/balducci2.html The Monsignor ought to know, since he is a renowned exorcist: http://www.gsreport.com/articles/art000007.html http://www.parascope.com/articles/slips/fs33_1.htm http://makeashorterlink.com/?N2AE51E22 "the Apocalypse cannot concern nobody fine material of the world, ravvisabile from" profetiche "surveyings of the text." or shorter link:############## END? ##########################################