__ _____ _ ___ __ \ \/ / | | / / | / / \ / /| | | /| / / |/ / / / ___ | |/ |/ / /| / /_/_/ |_|__/|__/_/ |_/http://www.acronymchile.com/yawn.html 2002-11-05 out of the ether...############## PRETTY PICTURES ###############################Top Ten Digital Photography Tips Some of these would be useful for regular photography too. http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2002/10/22/digi_photo_tips.html############## GORE VIDAL ####################################I went looking for the recent Observer article I was told about, but did not find it (I was told I wouldn't, but do I listen? (which, as an aside, is a very amusing (to me) rhetorical question)). Anyway, found several other pieces of interest. Links below, with some quotes that I enjoyed. Gore Vidal on Sept. 11th Guardian report on the Observer article http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&oi=news&start=0&num=1&q=http://books.guardian.co.uk/news/articles/0,6109,819951,00.html LA Weekly interview http://www.laweekly.com/ink/02/33/features-cooper.php For them to put him up as president and for the Supreme Court to make sure that he won was as insulting as when his father, George Bush, appointed Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court -- done just to taunt the liberals. And then, when he picked Quayle for his vice president, that showed such contempt for the American people. This was someone as clearly unqualified as Bush Sr. was to be president. Because Bush Sr., as Richard Nixon said to a friend of mine when Bush was elected [imitating Nixon], "He's a lightweight, a complete lightweight, there's nothing there. He's a sort of person you appoint to things." ... Q. So what's the way out of this? Back in the '80s you used to call for a new sort of populist constitutional convention. Do you still believe that's the fix? A. Well, it's the least bloody. Because there will be trouble, and big trouble. The loons got together to get a balanced-budget amendment, and they got a majority of states to agree to a constitutional convention. Senator Sam Ervin, now dead, researched what would happen in such a convention, and apparently everything would be up for grabs. Once we the people are assembled, as the Constitution requires, we can do anything, we can throw out the whole executive, the judiciary, the Congress. We can put in a Tibetan lama. Or turn the country into one big Scientological clearing center. Author Gore Vidal Slams US for Waging 'Perpetual War' http://www.commondreams.org/headlines01/1124-04.htm The End of Liberty http://www.indexonline.org/news/202_20020426_vidal.shtml Although the most able chief executive since FDR, Clinton, in his frantic pursuit of election victories, set in place the trigger for a police state which his successor is now happily squeezing. Police state? What's that all about? In April 1996, one year after the Oklahoma City bombing, President Clinton signed into law the Anti-Terrorist and Effective Death Penalty Act, a so-called 'conference bill' in which many grubby hands played a part including the bill's co-sponsor Senate Majority leader Bob Dole. Although Clinton, in order to win elections, did many unwise and opportunistic things, he seldom, like Charles II, ever said an unwise one. But faced with opposition to Anti-Terrorism legislation which not only gives the attorney-general the power to use the armed services against the civilian population, neatly nullifying the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, it also, selectively, suspends Habeas Corpus, the heart of Anglo-American liberty. Clinton attacked his critics as 'unpatriotic'. Then, wrapped in the flag, he spoke from the throne: 'There is nothing patriotic about our pretending that you can love your country but despise your government.' The scoreboard from Kosovo (1999) to Berlin Airlift (1948-49): http://www.indexonline.org/news/20020502_vidal_table.htm Gore Vidal: Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace http://www.meaus.com/perpetual-war-gore-vidal.htm "Although we regularly stigmatize other societies as rogue states, we ourselves have become the largest rogue state of all. We honor no treaties. We spurn international courts. We strike unilaterally wherever we choose. We give orders to the United Nations but do not pay our dues...we bomb, invade, subvert other states. Although We the People of the United States are the sole source of legitimate authority in this land, we are no longer represented in Congress Assembled. Our Congress has been hijacked by corporate America and its enforcer, the imperial military machine..."############## ICQ ###########################################http://www.somethingawful.com/article.php?id=291-3 stevie - WHY DO YOU CALL HIM SPERMY JOE??? Lowtax - Oh, he got the name when he was in the Tri-State Metro "Ranch House Swing Barnacle" competition against last year's winner, Cliffy B. I swear to GOD, that man cheats! He spread some kind of shit all over Spermy Joe's saddle, and when Spermy Joe went to put it on the clown's back, he couldn't stay on, so he fell off into the pit of tar. I don't think I need to tell ya he lost. We had to buy new hypodermic needles too, cause the clown got em all broken off in his eye.############## PRETTY SOFTWARE ###############################Linux is an experience, not an operating system: "This is an operating system designed by the world, meant for the world." http://newsforge.com/newsforge/02/09/20/1543210.shtml?tid=23 This article does a good job of explaining some of the reasons I like GNU/Linux so much. I honestly find it very very hard to understand why anybody would use a computer and not use Linux.############## LISTEN WITH YOUR EYES #########################Danny O'Brien guesting at boingboing.net highlighted this: http://www.periphery.co.uk/telegraph/index.htm Today I got sacked by The Daily Telegraph newspaper. One of their readers noticed I've been putting braille messages into the images in my new regular slot like "You are too fat", "Thatcher F***ed Us" and "Empty the Whitehall Cesspit". Someone with a double-barrelled name claiming to be the deputy head informed me that I will "never work for Telegraph Newspapers again". He suggested I apologise to the newspaper. I thought this request odd but have resolved to do it next time I visit a newsagent.############## IS IT LEGAL? OH ALRIGHT THEN... ###############Books, maybe copyrighted here, definitely in the US, but not everywhere in the world. Pull the curtains before you have a look. http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/nonus.html############## BOY FROM BRAZIL ###############################Lula praises Brazilian democratisation SAO PAULO, Brazil, Oct. 28 (UPI) -- Brazil's new president -- the nation's first leftist leader in almost 40 years -- praised on Monday the country's democratic electoral process, calling it "a victory for all Brazilians" http://www.upi.com/view.cfm?StoryID=20021028-044823-1367r############## GAS ###########################################Russia and its gas http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/1029/p01s03-woeu.html I think this quote is great, this sort of stuff is what makes humanity worth being a part of: "The woman terrorist, who was guarding us, put on a mask, but she was a complete fool – she put it on upside down," dentist Modest Silin told the English-language daily The Moscow Times. "We tried to signal to her that she should turn it the right way up.... But while she was putting it the right way up, she inhaled too much of that smoke." On the other hand: The Russian Interior Ministry troops who came next took no precautions against the gas, and were floored by it. "Having breathed in the air in the hall, all our detachment€“ as if there were a command given – began to vomit," I doubt they practise that manoeuvre on the parade grounds.############## LAM WAVES #####################################Excerpted from the Incunabula Blog, all the links are at the end. Monday, October 21, 2002 Greens Eggs and LAM? (from The Second-Hand Book-Stall) The LAM Statement, by Kenneth Grant, 1987. Copied to one of Rovelli's Yahoo Groups files sections... This work was issued by the O.T.O. [Typhonian] in 1987 c.e., at the time of the Spring Equinox. That was a significant time, in connection with the Time System of the Code of the Eternal, for that is the year and time of year that the Age of Aquarius actually began. In it, we are told about the portrait of LAM, and how it came to be, who LAM is, and Crowley's contactee experiences. It is also stated that it was necessary to issue this publication, "...to regularize and to examine results achieved by individual members of the O. T. O. who have established contact with the Magical Entity known as Lam. We are therefore founding an Inner Cult of this dikpala for the purpose of amassing precise accounts of such contacts.." -- Part I, Preliminary. The publication goes on to give the details as to how to practice the exercise. In Section III, is given the reason why the Cult (or dikpala) of Lam was founded at that time: "The Cult has been founded because very strong intimations have been received by Aossic Aiwass, 718'.' to the effect that the portrait of LAM (the original drawing of which was given by 666'.' to 718'.' under curious circumstances) is the present focus of an extra-terrestrial -- and perhaps trans-plutonic -- Energy with which the OTO is required to communicate at this critical period, for we have now entered the Eighties mentioned in the Book of the Law. It is Our aim to obtain some insight not only into the nature of LAM, but also into the possibilities of using the Egg as an astral space-capsule for travelling to Lam's domain, or for exploring extra-terrestrial spaces in the sense in which OTO Tantric Time-Travellers are exploring the Tunnels of Set in intra-cosmic and chthonian capsules. So, we are told that the reason is because 1987 was the "Eighties" mentioned in the Book of the Law. Who knows? One thing that is very interesting, is that the idea of creating "an astral space-capsule for travelling to Lam's domain, or for exploring extra-terrestrial spaces..." according to the style of the OTO Tantric Time-Travellers, reminds us of the Incunabula papers. And the Mystery of Ong's Hat events were taking place about the same time. The Incunabula book catalog that circulates on the internet is not a hoax, it actually existed, because one lies in the archives of Borderland Sciences. All we can say about the LAM Statement, is that we may not have belonged to one such Order, earthly-wise, but something definitely did happen, in 1990-1992, which involved our communion with the very same entity. And, when we started getting creative with the computer, one of our earliest pieces of art ended up becoming Father_ACME. That graphic has a life of its own, and whenever we try to modify it, to get the dark shadows cleared up a bit, fix parts of the face, add the top to the head that is cut off a bit, we never prevail, because this is the picture that is intended to be seen. Even if we apply thousands of Photoshop effects to it, that is fine. But change its shape, fix it up a bit, no dice. Ian Blake wrote a commentary to the LAM Statement that was fairly comprehensive. It appeared in a small periodical known as The Excluded Middle. http://www.antiqillum.com/2_BS.htm http://www.virtuallystrange.net/ufo/updates/2001/apr/m26-002.shtml http://www.antiqillum.com/Legacy011.htm http://www.antiqillum.com/lam.jpg http://www.phhine.ndirect.co.uk/archives/sp_lam1.htm http://www.antiqillum.com/acurious.htm http://www.incunabula.org/original/img/original_16_1.jpg http://www.incunabula.org/resources.html http://incunabula.org/online.html http://incunabula.org/original/index.html http://www.borderlands.com/main1.htm http://www.antiqillum.com/pub_serv_msg.html http://www.antiqillum.com/Father_ACME.jpg http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/7227/aciam.html http://www.elfis.net/tem/############## END? ##########################################