__ _____ _ ___ __ \ \/ / | | / / | / / \ / /| | | /| / / |/ / / / ___ | |/ |/ / /| / /_/_/ |_|__/|__/_/ |_/http://www.acronymchile.com/yawn.html 2002-12-09 "Speed is subsittute fo accurancy."###################### VENEZUELA ########################################Look at how the minority-opposition forces and media interests are attempting to create a pretext for a coup using the deaths of protesters on the streets: http://narconews.com/Issue26/article555.html The "strike" organised by the upper class was largely a failure: http://narconews.com/Issue26/article549.html The article has interesting quotes from reports from the various wire services and news-sites. All admit that support for the strike was limited to the wealthy. You can see a selection of articles around this story here: http://news.google.com/news?num=30&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=cluster:www%2esundayherald%2ecom%2f29807 It is very interesting to read the spin put on things, e.g. http://reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=topNews&storyID=1870671 Reading between lines, article admits that strike has little popular support, but still associates a democratically and legally elected president (not all presidents can claim as much) with Castro http://news.ft.com/servlet/ContentServer?pagename=FT.com/StoryFT/FullStory&c=StoryFT&cid=1039366547552 Makes no effort to answer the question whether or not the strike is a popular movement, or whether it is being orchestrated by an elite. http://www.boston.com/dailyglobe2/342/nation/Thousands_rally_in_Caracas_to_show_support_for_Chavez+.shtml Is a better piece of writing, and at least uses some hard statistics to back up points. Also gives light to both sides of the debate.###################### PALESTINE ########################################UN workers in Palestine react to the killing of one of their colleagues by the IDF. This page has links to the news reports on their petition, along with the original material: http://www.thememoryhole.org/war/un-petition.htm###################### KAOS #############################################http://members.madasafish.com/~joelbiroco/kaos.pdf Like a magazine/book. Is good, has nice article about Lam. Lots of daft correspondence. Very involved. on pg 82: I accidentally used the sign of Kosh to invoke the seal of the Worm that Gnaws and now my dog Sparky is dead and I need to know how to send the Worm that Gnaws back into the great abyss! Oops!###################### SCIENTOLOGY ######################################Scientology could be taught in Canadian schools http://www.hamhigh.co.uk/archived/2002/1122/news/asp/p1news.asp###################### SCIENCE ##########################################Questia: http://www.questia.com/popularSearches/index.html###################### ART ##############################################US tightening of "security" causes problems for artists/musicians on tour: Last weekend, the Afro-Cuban All Stars, one of Cuba's most famous musical acts, was scheduled to perform in Berkeley in front of sold-out audiences. But the new visa policy prevented them from entering the United States. http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2002/11/26/MN84255.DTL###################### DOLE #############################################Furnish your house on the dole: http://www.kleqkleq.com/dole/###################### ROOF #############################################Open source housing. Discusses MIT's House_n project and related topics http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/12/02/2147223&mode=nested&tid=126 http://www.metropolismag.com/html/content_1202/mit/index.html http://architecture.mit.edu/house_n/###################### WEB ##############################################Predicting where the economy is going on the basis of web-usage: http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/12/02/1219220&mode=nested&tid=95 http://www.chicagotribune.com/technology/chi-0211300201nov30,0,2341749.story###################### REAL WEB #########################################Spiders http://cbc.ca/stories/2002/11/22/spiders021121 Brian Thair of the College of New Caledonia in Prince George said he saw a silky, white web stretching 60 acres across a field. Thair said it looked like the whole area was covered with an opaque, white plastic grocery store bag The thin, elastic coasting was not soft and fluffy like webs built by individual spiders. There were about two spiders per square centimetre laying the silk, which first appeared in early October. Photos: http://cbc.ca/news/features/spiderweb/# I found the links didn't work well in my browser... the images are at the following URL's: http://cbc.ca/news/features/spiderweb/gfx/panorama.jpg http://cbc.ca/news/features/spiderweb/gfx/brian_thair.jpg http://cbc.ca/news/features/spiderweb/gfx/farmer_fence.jpg http://cbc.ca/news/features/spiderweb/gfx/post_midshot.jpg http://cbc.ca/news/features/spiderweb/gfx/post_closeup.jpg###################### WORK #############################################Some job hunting tips. Sort of specific to jobs in open source software, but the advice on putting a CV online might be of more general usefulness. http://www.theopenenterprise.com/story/TOE20021202S0001###################### LAUGH ############################################Thought this was good, from www.mightygirl.net: A while ago, Paul Ford did a piece on Sex in the City for The Morning News. It was funny. Observe: http://www.themorningnews.org/archives/new_york_new_york/the_opposite_of_sex_and_the_city.shtml "I prefer to imagine the show as a black-box play from the 1970s with Beckettian overtones, three women on an empty stage, looking at the audience, speaking in monotones: 1: I doubt I am fecund. 2: I have eaten so little. 3: Where are the men? 1: There are no men. 2: I will pay a woman $40 to caress and decorate my toes with varnish. I will wear shoes that cost more than the weekly wages of a restaurant worker, with tips. 3: What kind of tips? 2: Not on the shoes, for the restaurant workers. 1: I am hungry. I will not marry. 2: Talk about the shoes. 3: The shoes! Unison: Shoes." Also on mightygirl.net was this pretty funny link: http://www.blackpeopleloveus.com/###################### CENSOR ###########################################UTV Internet blocked subscribers' access to ebid.ie due to a commercial falling out between the companies: http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/6/28392.html Effectively, this is commercial censorship. In related news, Eircom no longer allows phone calls to competitors' sales offices. There are links to the original story from TheReg's report###################### HELP #############################################http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/12/07/1431211&mode=nested&tid=98 "Broadband Reports is running a story about how several large ISP's have reprimanded, even fired techs who offer support in BBR's forums in their free time" http://www.broadbandreports.com/shownews/24145###################### DANGER ###########################################http://www.newsday.com/news/nationworld/wire/sns-ap-brf-bush-threat1206dec06,0,4960262.story?coll=sns%2Dap%2Dnationworld%2Dheadlines A man who made a remark about a "burning Bush" during the president's March 2001 trip to Sioux Falls was sentenced Friday to 37 months in prison. "I said God might speak to the world through a burning Bush," Humphreys testified during his trial. "I had said that before and I thought it was funny." http://www.2600.com/news/display/display.shtml?id=1441 ...photographer named Mike Maginnis was arrested, for simply taking pictures of buildings in an area where Vice President Cheney was residing. When Maginnis refused to admit to being any sort of terrorist, the Secret Service agent called him a "raghead collaborator" and a "dirty pinko faggot."###################### FREE #############################################The Open CD Project is an attempt to acquaint Windows users with the truly free software which is available (as opposed to the pirated software they get for no cost). Read an article about the project here: http://newsforge.com/newsforge/02/12/06/2018253.shtml?tid=11 The project homepage is: http://www.theopencd.org/mirrors.php###################### STOP #############################################