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 /_/_/  |_|__/|__/_/ |_/http://www.acronymchile.com/yawn.html
       fortune: "I gained nothing at all from Supreme Enlightenment,
                and for that very reason it is called Supreme Enlightenment."
                                         -- Gotama Buddha

###!!!!!###### NYT #################################(##)##################
Narco News' take on New York Times journalist Jayson Blair. The NYT had to apologise after it emerged Blair had been fabricating stories and plagiarising other journalists' work: http://narconews.com/Issue30/article781.html What is interesting here is that the incident is presented in the context of the culture in the NYT and in commercial media at large.
###!!!!!###### DEMOCRACY ###########################(??)##################
What makes democracy function, and how is it in danger: The disconnect between global rhetoric and local behavior can be remarkable. Consider a recent conference described by Dorothy Brazill in DC Watch: "Last Thursday, the Greater Washington Research Program at the Brookings Institution held a roundtable forum on 'Revitalizing Washington's Neighborhoods.' At the forum, Alice Rivlin released a new study she wrote for Brookings. . . In conducting the research for the report, Rivlin and her staff at Brookings relied almost exclusively on information provided by District government officials, particularly by the Office of Planning, and they did not attempt to meet with neighborhood groups or residents or to do any independent analysis. http://prorev.com/shilling.htm Makes the cogent point that democracy can only remain vital and healthy when people act to maintain it. Words on a sheet of paper are not enough, it needs to find expression in people's lives. Also discusses changing nature of citizenship in an interesting manner.
###!!!!-###### MNFTIU ##############################(RW)##################
The GYWO Players in: "Have You Seen My Book of Virtues" http://www.mnftiu.cc/mnftiu.cc/war24.html
###!!!--###### PEACHY ##############################(RW)##################
Criticism of the war, and the assertion that Bush should be impeached: http://www.commondreams.org/views03/0512-07.htm Of course there was a strong movement to have Clinton impeached, and searching google for "+clinton +impeach" gives 27,800 results: http://makeashorterlink.com/?I39A22D84 Doing the same search for "+bush +impeach" gives 32,800 results: http://makeashorterlink.com/?U2AA12D84
###!!!--###### CARTOONS ############################(JC)##################
###!!!--###### ROCKET ##############################(##)##################
Some links on "sweet rocket" (at least that's what i think it is), which is a plant in my garden that's been having some problems lately. Not sure if this one is the same plant: http://www.herbnet.com/magazine/mag01_p07--sweet_rocket.htm ...might just be different strains of the plant as this photo looks a little more like it, though colour is different: http://ghs.gresham.k12.or.us/science/ps/nature/gorge/4petal/must/swrocket.htm No photo, but more description: http://www.botany.com/hesperis.html Good way to get some pictures, using Google images: http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=sweet+rocket&btnG=Google+Search Overview of rocket family: http://www.arthurleej.com/p-o-m-Sep02.html Not entirely sure if it is edible. Flowers certainly appear to be edible, but leaves might only be edible when young. Probably not poisonous though. Searching for leaf curl along with sweet rocket led me to this page: http://image.fs.uidaho.edu/vide/famly049.htm#Hesperis%20matronalis says sweet rocket is susceptible to "Turnip mosaic potyvirus". Symptoms are not a world away from what i have observed on the plant: http://image.fs.uidaho.edu/vide/descr855.htm And to conclude, a site I would never have thought up: http://www.lesbiangardens.net/ "First we were victims, then we became warriors, now we are gardeners." - Ferron
###!!!--###### PI ##################################(NM)##################
Algorithm for calculating any single digit of PI in a matter of seconds http://www.nersc.gov/~dhbailey/ "This work has been featured in the May 2003 issue of Scientific American" http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?colID=5&articleID=00023DFC-7861-1E90-8EA5809EC5880000 The algorithm is available at: http://www.nersc.gov/~dhbailey/pi-alg and code at: http://www.nersc.gov/~dhbailey/mpdist/
###!!---###### POSTNUKE ############################(##)##################
Some useful Postnuke (content management and website generation) documentation: http://www.bluediscovery.net/ticalc/pnGuide/
###!!!--###### ECONOMY #############################(##)##################
Economics reporting commentary, by Dean Baker: http://www.tompaine.com/feature.cfm/ID/7759 These commentaries are good, but the more you read them the more it becomes apparent that there is a huge difference in world-view between Baker and the journalist's whose work he critiques. Whatever the merits of each view, at least Baker makes an effort to engage with expressions of conflicting idea-systems.
###!!---###### REINHART ############################(##)##################
I heard Tanya Reinhart on the Today With Pat Kenny radio show today. She is an Israeli academic who has taken a very pro-Palestinian position in her writing. Had a look for her CV, and turns out her PhD supervisor was Noam Chomsky (in Dept. of Literature and Linguistics, MIT): http://www.tau.ac.il/~reinhart/ Her most recent book is "ISRAEL/PALESTINE How to End the War of 1948" http://www.sevenstories.com/Book/index.cfm?GCOI=58322100716180 ZNet has an interview with her on the subject of the book: http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=50&ItemID=2595
###!!!!-###### PIC #################################(RW)##################
British Library images online: http://ibs001.colo.firstnet.net.uk/britishlibrary/controller/home Images are many and varied. You can purchase a v. high res version on cdrom, or view a largish one on screen with a "British Library" label in the corner: http://makeashorterlink.com/?G22916D84
###!!!--###### NOWHERE #############################(/.)##################
Nowhere girl, highly recommended by Warren Ellis, available online: http://www.nowheregirl.com/episode/01/01.html
###!!!--###### SPAM ################################(/.)##################
Really has a familiar ring about it, but still an interesting article: The response rate is extremely low: One-tenth of a percentage point is considered wildly successful, Shiels and spam experts agree. For spammers, that's made up for by the ability to send millions of e-mails a day and the relatively generous commissions. Viagra distributors pay spammers per sale -- about $60 for every $150 order -- while financial companies typically pay for every consumer who requests more information -- as much as $12 for mortgage leads and as much as $5 for insurance referrals, Shiels said. http://www.oregonlive.com/business/oregonian/index.ssf?/base/business/105256787116000.xml
###-----###### ENVIRONMENT #########################(BB)##################
Environmental journalism, impact of Californians on rest of world: http://www.sacbee.com/static/live/news/projects/denial/
###!!!!-###### ORIGAMI #############################(/.)#(BB)#############
Origami and mathematics: http://www.paperfolding.com/math/ The parent website has lots of good links and info on origami, including a guide to the basics of the technique and instructions on producing some forms. Somewhat similar to origami are string figures: http://www.darsie.net/string/index.html
###!----###### ARGOT ###############################(RW)##################
slang glossary: http://www.thesourcefym.com/teenlingo/
###!!!--###### HOST ################################(##)##################
Vadim Makarov's guide to web and domain hosting. Many good general points to bear in mind here. http://www.vad1.com/hosting.html
###-----###### LANGUAGE ############################(NM)##################
What I Hate About Your Programming Language, because every language has its niggles and idiosyncrasies: http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2003/05/12/languagephilosophy.html This lead to thinking about the Haskell functional programming language: http://haskell.org/aboutHaskell.html Could be one to learn since the Pragmatic Programmer has it marked as its Language of the Year (LotY) for 2002. http://www.pragmaticprogrammer.com/loty/index.html They haven't updated for 2003, so maybe there is still time to learn it. It is recommended to learn a new programming language every year.
###-----###### SQUEAK ##############################(OB)##################
"Squeak is an open, highly-portable Smalltalk-80 implementation whose virtual machine is written entirely in Smalltalk, making it easy to debug, analyze, and change." http://www.squeak.org/
###!!!!-###### DILLO ###############################(##)##################
The Dillo web browser has recently (29 April) reached version 0.7.2, with the addition of copy&paste, which is a feature I very much missed in earlier versions. It is still fast and no-frills. http://dillo.auriga.wearlab.de/
###!!---###### LIN #################################(##)##################
Two tutorials from UK magazine PC Plus, maybe of use: How to install Linux: http://www.pcplus.co.uk/tutorials/default.asp?siteid=10§iontypeid=7&subsectionid=377&pagetypeid=4&articleid=16265&page=1 Using Linux beside windows (basically about dual booting potential pitfalls and alternatives) http://www.pcplus.co.uk/tutorials/default.asp?siteid=10§iontypeid=7&subsectionid=377&pagetypeid=4&articleid=17557&page=1
###-----###### HERF ################################(/.)##################
DIY HERF gun. Link slashdotted ATM, so will read later: http://www.voltsamps.com/pages/projects/herf004/ Sounds interesting though
###!!---###### HARDING #############################(##)##################
Michael Harding, author and interesting guy: http://www.artscouncil.ie/aosdana/biogs/literature/michaelharding.html Ordained a priest. Has a very interesting outlook on life, spirituality and religion. Proudly he says he has been a failure at everything he has done, but that that is certainly not a bad thing. Haven't read anything he has written, but following from an interview with him I heard I intend to. For a couple of days, you can hear an interview by Carrie Crowley of Michael Harding here: http://www.rte.ie/rams/radio/snapshots.ram
###-----###### FIN #################################(##)##################
Archived: http://www.acronymchile.com/yawn_archive/2003-05-15yawn.html

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