__ _____ _ ___ __ \ \/ / | | / / | / / MONBIOT -- SCOPE -- RONJA -- BUSH -- OUTLOOK \ / /| | | /| / / |/ / AMSCI -- BIOS -- EURO -- SOLDER -- HATCH / / ___ | |/ |/ / /| / BONBON -- AEI -- FCC -- USA /_/_/ |_|__/|__/_/ |_/http://www.acronymchile.com/yawn.html 2003-07-02###!!!!-###### BOOKS ###############################(RW)#################George Monbiot's list of his top 10 political books: http://books.guardian.co.uk/top10s/top10/0,6109,984211,00.html Some familiar, some less so.###!!!!-###### BITSCOPE ############################(##)#################Very cool open source hardware. Digital oscilloscope to connect to a PC. http://racket.bitscope.net/ Schematics and docs can be downloaded and you can build it from scratch yourself if you have the time, skill and inclination. Alternatively, kits can be purchased, or even completed and assembled units. Nice recent development is network interface, again with full details: http://racket.bitscope.net/net/?p=2 Good article on the whole thing here: http://www.circuitcellar.com/pastissues/articles/Jackson97/article.htm###!!!!-###### RONJA ###############################(##)#################Instructions to build a visible light optical link with 11Mbps capacity over distances up to a mile: http://ronja.advel.cz/ Lots of open source hardware stuff: http://www.opencollector.org/ Open Collector: dedicated to aging hippies (and, by special request, SF Freemen) everywhere... Open Collector carries listings and news for free EDA software and circuit designs. Open Collector supports gEDA###!!---###### BUSH ################################(IB)#################Footage, stills and commentary relating to Bush's behaviour after hearing the news of the Sept. 11th attacks: http://www.thememoryhole.org/911/bush-911.htm###!!---###### OUTLOOK #############################(##)#################Friends don't let friends use Outlook http://newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=03/06/16/1552233###!!---###### SCIENCE #############################(BB)#################Society for Amateur Scientists http://www.sas.org/###!!!--###### BIOS ################################(##)#################LinuxBIOS FAQ: http://www.linuxbios.org/faq/index.html###!!!--###### EURO ################################(##)#################Dean Baker has an interesting comment to make on the decision by the UK government not to enter the eurozone. One item that should have been included in this list is the housing bubble, which the IMF and many other experts believe that Britain is currently experiencing. The collapse of this bubble is likely to have an enormous impact on Britain's economy and will require an aggressive response from the central bank. http://tompaine.com/feature2.cfm/ID/8099 Since most other eurozone countries are not in this situation, they would object to modifying economic policy just to fix the UK's house. And in relation to the US property market... The article does later note that some economists are concerned about a collapse of housing prices, but then comments "most economists studying the issue are sanguine about such prospects." It is worth noting that in 1999 and 2000 most economists were also sanguine about the possible collapse of the stock market bubble.###!!!--###### SOLDERING ###########################(##)#################Beginners guide to soldering: http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=lang_en&ie=UTF-8&threadm=OoO7DvTC%24GA.257%40cpmsnbbsa05&rnum=11&prev=/groups%3Fq%3Dsci%2Belectronics%2Bsoldering%2Bgun%26hl%3Den%26lr%3Dlang_en%26ie%3DUTF-8%26selm%3DOoO7DvTC%2524GA.257%2540cpmsnbbsa05%26rnum%3D11###!!!--###### ORRIN HATCH #########################(IB)#################Orrin Hatch is a US Senator who advocated allowing copyright holders to (remotely) destroy computers of filetraders. Turns out his own website infringes copyrights by its use of a piece of menu-generating javascript: http://www.boycott-riaa.com/article/6899 "Senator Hatch has opened Pandora's Box with these comments, but even worse he has shown America how little he really understands about the way computers work. And this is the man that presides of the Committee that has control over technology and copyright issues."###!!!!-###### BONBON ##############################(DH)#################6 year old girl microwaved a bonbon. Fillings boiled while outside shell remained cool. When she bit it, it exploded: "The injuries were so serious we thought she needed new lips. The doctor had never seen such serious burns inside someone's mouth before. Helene had extensive burns in her mouth, on her face and on her hands", said Helene's mother. http://www.nettavisen.no/servlets/page?section=1706&item=272929###!!!--###### AEI #################################(##)#################Nader criticism of the American Enterprise Institute: What they are condemning, with vague, ironic regulatory nostrums proposed against dissenting citizen groups, is democracy itself. What the AEIstas prefer is plutocracy. http://tompaine.com/feature2.cfm/ID/8107###!!---###### FCC #################################(##)#################After 300,000 americans contacted their elected representatives, changes in the regulation of media ownership have been reconsidered, giving support to greater diversity: Ultimately, however, the committee's signal was clear. It was summed up well by North Dakota Democrat Byron Dorgan, who said, "The airwaves belong to the people. Broadcasters use them, under licenses that require localism and a diversity of voices." http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=21&ItemID=3809###!!!--###### USA #################################(##)#################Interesting comments on the most recent war in Iraq: [France, and Germany] did not oppose this war out of the goodness of their hearts ... Part of the reason for the opposition is that Europe and the United States are on rough par economically, but the U.S. has virtually all the global political power. This is an unsustainable state of affairs without constant new American conquests, increasing attempts to keep Europe down, and more and more deliberate state intervention to privilege U.S. corporations over European ones. http://www.zmag.org/ZMagSite/May2003/albert0503.html###-----###### FIN #################################(##)##################Archived: http://www.acronymchile.com/yawn_archive/2003-07-02yawn.html##########################################################################